Monday, January 31, 2011

I was soooo bad....

OMG - I ate sooo much this weekend!!!!  Appetizers, dinners, desserts (yes, plural)....mmmmm... oh yes, and wine.... it was so good, but so bad!  I didn't blow it all the time - I had fish, salads and left the rice and potatoes and skipped the bread.  But as we all know restaurant food is so much higher in fat and sodium than home cooking.  So why was I so bad??  All the kids were gone!  First time in I can't remember how long!  My bf and I had 48 hours to ourselves, and we enjoyed it thoroughly.  We went to Niagara over night on Saturday and out with friends last night.  We had such a great weekend.  We always have so much fun together.  Any regrets? - of course not!!!  But it is Monday today and time to get back to it.  Back to the normal and great routine of healthy small meals 5-6 times/day.  Salads for lunch, home cooked dinners and exercise of course!  No worries, it was just a weekend after all.  I always tell my clients when they are going away or a special occasion comes up not to worry too much.  You can only do so much dammage in a couple of days.  The important thing is to stop when Monday rolls around and get back to the normal routine of healthy eating, daily activities and exercise.  And there are several things you can do/avoid so an evening out does not work against what you have been working so hard to accomplish.  I'll blog more about that later....  Look for it! :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

This is why I love my job!

At boot camp on Tuesday I made my ladies run and run and run, with some fun stuff thrown in between...  They weren't happy but they did it and I was so proud of them!  Last night after boot camp one of them told me that she hated it but did it anyway, but when she left she felt so proud of herself for doing it all!  Wow!  I love that.  Guess what her next question was?   Yes, you guessed it;  "when are you doing that again?"  She wants to make sure she is there for that class.  Way to go K!  You just discovered one of the great benefits of exercise - the pride and sense of accomplisment you feel when you have pushed your body to its limits and you still want to come back for more!

I love my job!!!

It's a new year..... Welcome to 2011

...and hopefully more regular blogs from me.  This is one of my new years' resolutions!  Other ones are t be better at staying in touch with friends and the big one - grow my business!!  Hopefully the first one will help this one.  Did you make any this year?  If so, what are they? 
One of the most common new years' resolutions must be to lose weight and/or get in shape or something related to that.  By now many are already falling off.  Most likely because you aren't seeing the results you want or you don't know exactly what to do to achieve your goals.  If so, may I recommend that you hire a trainer...! ;)  Studies show that you are 80% more likely to be successful reaching your goal if you work with a trainer.  But before you do, take a look at their credentials.  Make sure the trainer is certified, insured and has a valid CPR.  Without it they can't be insured.  Also take a look at their specialty.  Many personal trainers now specialize in working with either older adults, pre and post-natal, athletic training, etc.  My specialty is working with women, especially 40+. I can help you find the right trainer for you...  I would also love to hear from you about how you found it was to work with a trainer.
Have a great weekend!